主办单位 国家商务部 浙江省人们政府 承办单位 浙江省商务厅 义乌市人民政府
 五金工具  建筑五金  标准主题馆
 体育休闲  日用消费品  服饰配饰  
 电子电器  机电机械  服务贸易

The 16 th China Northeast International Hardware & Tool Exhibition
时间:2013410-12  地点:中国沈阳·辽宁工业展览馆
TimeApril 10th-12th, 2013   
Site: Liaoning Exhibition Trading Group(Shenyang, China)
People's Government of Shenyang City
North Industry & Business Exhibition Service Co. Ltd
Hardware Mechanical & Electrical Trade Chamber,Shenyang City,Liaoning Province
Shenyang Equipment Manufacturing Industry Association
1. Northeast Market-Full of Commercial Opportunities and Great Demands
Rejuvenating the old industrial bases provides a lot of commercial opportunities to develop hardware. The construction of some new some new industrial projects, the improvement of industrial infrastructure, especially the promotion of equipment manufacturing and the market growth of mechanical hardware, mould making, relevant building hardware and decorative hardware push the development of hardware processing, selling and the specialized hardware markets. More and more specialized hardware markets are established in Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun and Harbin. On 6th, April 2010, State Council approved to establish "National New Industrialized Supporting Reform Pilot" with respect to Shenyang Economic Zone and other eight provincially administered municipalities surrounded to implement "Town Market Economy Integration", which is another vigorous act of Central Committee to reconstruct northeastern old industrial base. It will make industrial development and town construction further improvement and bring about enormous market demand. 
2. Shenyang Market-Strategic Area with Profound Radiating Power
Shenyang is the central city in northeast,distributing center of goods and materials,commercial center of hardware and tool,transport junction,favorable location of abutting on Russia, Japan, Korea. Taking advantages of the central position and potential of the huge market,the status of the Northeast Hardware and Tool Exhibition is further strengthened and consolidated. Meanwhile, the Exhibition has become the important window of hardware trading and the professional exhibition of the purchasing agents at home and abroad as well. The approval and establishment of Shenyang Economic Zone including Shenyang, Anshan, Fushun, Benxi, Yingkou, Fuxin, Liaoyang and Tieling, eight provincially administered municipalities, set up a compact district of industrial city with one-hour inter-city transportation net which strengthen the cohesion of Shenyang and spread the radiating power.
3. A Famous Exhibition goes From Strength to Strength in the Past 15 years
In response to needs of the markets and feathers of Shenyang, Northeast International Hardware and Tool Exhibition has been held continuously for fourteen years since 1998, becoming the professional international exhibition which is generally rated as one of the best exhibitions in Shenyang.It has been rated as "the Best Exhibition of Shenyang"; "Brand Exhibition of Liaoning Province and Shenyang City". In the last fourteen exhibitions, manufacturing enterprises and agencies amount to 7000; visitors amount to 400,000 and overseas purchasing agents amount to 5000. It is covered that the exhibition is one of the largest and the most influential international exhibitions in China, and the professional exhibition which shall not be missed.
Eight Features of 2013-Exhibition
1、顺应市场需求 展会规模不断扩大
1. To comply with the market demand, the scale of exhibition unceasingly expands.
Over the past 15 years, the exhibitors of Northeast Hardware Exhibition increased year by year. Our exhibition has already expanded to Liaoning Industrial Exhibition Hall, the Gallery, outdoor exhibition tents of Liaoning Industrial Exhibition Hall, a total of seven exhibition halls, and the booth was always in short supply. In 2013, the exhibition will achieve double increase of exhibitors’ quantity and quality by adjusting the layout of booth, optimizing exhibitors’ qualification, making full use of exhibition space and so on.
2、广邀名企参展 业界影响与日俱增
2. Widely invite well-known enterprises to attend the exhibitions, and the industry influence increases more and more.
The annual Northeast Hardware Exhibition is the event of hardware industry, which attracts many well-known enterprises and famous brands at home and abroad. In 2013, it will continue to invite more Chinese and foreign famous enterprises and trade representatives by means of special equipment to display the enterprises image, deduce the inner beauty of hardware tools and demonstrate the influence of exhibition.
3、宣传攻势凌厉 需求客户悉数到场
3.Excellent and fierce publicity encourages all customers in demand to participate in.
Northeast Hardware Exhibition pays attention to publicizing the professional image of the exhibition, actively advertises on the mainstream newspaper, authority magazines, TV and signs of trunk road, cooperates with the professional media and trade associations, and makes use of the broad and comprehensive network to publish the information of the exhibition in the industry.
4、系统组织买家 搭建采购交流平台
4.Systematically organize the buyers and build the purchasing platform.
Based on the the professional visitor database, Northeast Hardware Exhibition will update the data of buyers and distributors from industrial enterprises and architectural decoration industry in 2012. Meanwhile making data update and increase every year is more targeted which will attract more high-quality professional visitors.
5、强化现场服务 促进供需紧密合作
5.Enhance service to promote cooperation.
The strong trade atmosphere, good commercial effect and large exhibition returns are the primary characters of the Northeast Hardware Exhibition leading the other industry exhibitions. In 2012, the exhibition will continue to strengthen the procurement function, release the information of exhibitors, implement the business matching service, set up VIP rooms, organize the audience lottery, and show the commercial effects highlighted.
6、力邀省市协会组织 延深展会影响
6.Invite hardware associations from all provinces and cities to expand the influence of the exhibition.
Based on the success in inviting the leaders of central and local hardware associations, in 2013, the exhibition along with the relevant units and departments will strengthen efforts to invite the central and local hardware associations to visit in group and implement the strategic guidance of "branding, internationalization, professionalism effectiveness".
7、策划论坛研讨 引领行业发展
7.Plan the discussion forum and lead the industry trend.
In 2013, combining with the current hotspot and hardware technology development trend, Northeast Hardware Exhibition invites the national hardware industry experts, the Northeast Hardware and Electrical Market's principals and the government leaders of relevant departments. Besides that, Northeast Hardware Exhibition organizes symposium to discuss the plan of the northeast hardware industry development.
8、联手国外展览 扩大外贸出口
8. Joint exhibitions abroad and expand exports.
We have made a process in contacting with Foreign Consulates in Shenyang and organizing foreigners to visit and purchase in the past. In 2013, the exhibition will enhance the contact with the foreign institutions, and strengthen the propaganda in Russia, Japan, Korea and the other famous international hardware exhibitions to promote foreign trade.
Promotional Activities
Journals, newspapers, Internet, direct-mail ads, e-mails, TV, radio, mass SMS, preview, telecommunication and other ways are applied to provide exhibition with a full range of publicity and promotion. It is supposed to distribute 10 million tickets.
Exhibition will cooperate with over 30 journals, 50 professional websites and 20 mass media to publish ads and more than 200 pieces of information to publicize and promote exhibition in various ways. Potential partner medias include: China Hardware, Hardware News, Global Hardware website, China Hardware Exhibition website, China Electric tool website, China and Russia border trade website, Industrial resource website, Today hardware website, Zhaolong hardware website, Electro-mechanical online website and so on.
National Hardware Commodity Trade Fair, China International Hardware Exhibition, China Hardware Expo and other exhibitors will distribute tickets and exhibition news in person to invite buyers at home and abroad.
Before and during exhibition, the main markets of Northeast China will hang exhibition banner ads to expand influence.
Cooperated with Northeast China and other Hardware Electro-mechanical Chamber of Commerce from the whole China, Dispatch organization member units and distributors will be attracted to procure.
Honors of the Exhibiton
Northeast International Hardware and Tool Exhibition was awarded "Brand Exhibition of Liaoning Province and Shenyang City in 2010" by Shenyang municipal government in March 2011.
Range of Exhibition (If you are the following manufacturers or suppliers, please reserved exhibition location immediately)
1、 工具五金:手动工具、电动工具、气动工具、风动工具、液压工具、汽保工具、机械工具、量具刃具、磨具磨料、园林园艺工具等
1. Tool and Hardware: hand tool, power tool, air-driven tool, pneumatic tool, hydraulic tool, automobile maintenance tool, mechanical tool, measuring and cutting tool, grinding material and grinding tool, garden tool and so on.
2、 五金机械设备:空压机、电动机、发电机、液压机械及配件、金属加工机械、压铸机、雕刻打标机、喷涂设备、起重吊索具、木工机械、仓储设备、机电产品、冲压锻造铸造设备各种机床及五金专用生产设备
2. Hardware Machinery and Equipment: air compressor, electric motor, generator, hydraulic machinery and accessories, metal processing machinery, die-casting machine, engraving and marking machine, spraying equipment, hoisting sling tool, woodworking machinery, storage equipment, mechanical and electronic products , stamping forging and foundry equipment, all kinds of machine tool and special producing equipment for hardware.
3、 焊接切割设备:焊接切割设备及技术、电焊机、焊割炬、焊机配套件、焊接材料及消耗品
3. Welding and Cutting Equipment: welding and cutting equipment and technology, welding machine, welding torch, welding fittings, welding material and consumable
4、 建筑五金:五金制品、标准紧固件、金属门窗五金配件、铁艺及金属制品、泵阀、管道、水暖器材、化工材料、卫生陶瓷五金、家具五金件、照明灯具、电工电料、钉丝网类、装饰用具、梯子及施工架、DIY产品
4. Construction Hardware: hardware product, standard fasteners, hardware accessories of metal door and window, ferrous artwork and metal products, pump valve, pipe, water-heating equipment, chemical material, sanitary ceramics hardware, furniture hardware, lighting fixtures, electrical material, nail netting, decoration equipment, ladder and scaffold, DIY product
5、 民用五金:锁具及配件、保险柜、安防设备、防盗门、报警系统、炊具、灶具、餐具、清洁用品及设备、不锈钢制品、刀剪、铁艺品、各种器具,金属家具、家具配件五金附件等。
5. Civil Hardware: locks and accessories, safe, security equipment, security doors, alarm system, cookware, cooking utensils, tableware, cleaning supplies and equipment, stainless steel products, knives and scissors, iron products, all kinds of appliances, metal furniture , furniture accessories, hardware accessories and so on.
Charges of booth
品牌展区:中央大厅:特1、特2、特3、特5展位900元/m2(只限四家企业) 2号中央大厅:雄伟气魄不设标准展位,800元/m2(36m2起租),参展单位必须特装  2号主厅:3m×3m 7000元/个 3m×2m 6000元/个
标准展区:1号厅、3号厅、4号厅、5号厅、6号厅、7号厅:标准展位3m×3m 6000元/个,2m×3m 5500元/个,转角展位均加收10%角位费。基本配置包括:三面(或两面)展板、一条楣板、两只射灯、一桌两椅、一个5A/220V插座、地毯及午餐。
Approach to Exhibition
If receive the invitation, the exhibitors shall apply to North Industry & Business Exhibition Service Co. Ltd directly. Fax or mail the Exhibition Contract back to North Industry & Business Exhibition Service Co. Ltd after the exhibitors complete and seal the Contract. North Industry & Business Exhibition Service Co. Ltd will arrange the booth sequentially. If the booth fixed, the exhibitors shall pay 50% as the down payment. Meanwhile, Confirmation comes along with the receipt of down payment, and the Exhibition Manual will be mailed. Kindly remit the balance before January 18th, 2013.
Recipient: Liaoning North Industry & Business Exhibition Service Co.Ltd
Deposit Bank: Agricultural Bank of China (Nanhu Branch of Shenyang)
Account Number:06150001040009355
Arrangement Principals
1.Enterprises applying a standard booth before 31st, January 2013 will get a quarter interior page of colored advertisement by free. The more to apply, the more to get.
2.Apply booth: the booth will be arranged booth complying with principals of "Early apply, contract and pay".
Qualification for Participating in Exhibition
Submission units shall be registered by National Administrative Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and shall get certificates of exhibition products verified by competent authorities at all levels which expires in a year.
Agenda of the Exhibition
报到:4月8-9日   展示:4月10-12日   撤展:4月12日下午
Decorating:April 8th-9th, 2013    Move-in:April 10th-12th, 2013   Move-out:The afternoon of April 12th, 2013
Site:Liaoning Exhibition Trading Group (Shenyang) (No.38, Caita Street, Heping District, Shenyang)
免费会刊内文广告规格:(定一个展位) 200字以内企业介绍及联系方式
           (定二个展位) 半版 彩图广告 120mm×91mm
           (定四个展位) 整版 彩图广告 120mm×183mm
电 话:0579-85128600
